Product code


Name of the product

Pediatric Nursing Child Training Manikin (3 Years Old)

Product description

This model is a suitable model for nursing education of a 3-year-old child.


  • It is 85 cm tall.
  • It has flexible joints. It can bend, rotate, move up and down.
  • The function of being a boy or a girl. The girl has an appendectomy wound. The boy has a hernia.
  • Child care operations; practice of bandaging the whole body, bathing, changing clothes, hair combing, eye washing and application, ear washing and application, and oral cavity care.
  • Bathing with a sponge, changing clothes, cold and hot treatments can be performed.
  • Realistic mouth, nose, tongue, gums, throat, pharynx, larynx and esophagus structure.
  • Airway obstruction with foreign body, tracheal intubation, oxygen breathing, etc. applications can be made.
  • Oral and nasal nutrition and gastrolavage applications can be done.
  • Intramuscular injection can be made in the arm and leg.
  • Urethral catheterization can be done.
  • Wound and suture care
  • Ostomy care