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Name of the product

Human Skeleton Model 85 cm

Product description

This model is designed for visual aid in teaching physiology and health information lessons. It helps students understand the relationship between the human body and the skeleton. Morphology can be used in the construction of bones and joints.

An adult male skeleton is adjusted to stand (hinge and ear ossicles not shown). The joints on the upper and lower sides are mobile.

Skull: It consists of 22 bones with jagged stitch lines. The calvarium is cut transversely to show the internal structures of the skull. The lower jaw is mobile.

Vertebral Column: It consists of 7 cervical vertebrae. 12 thoracic vertebrae and 5 lumbar vertebrae, coccyx fragment, coccyx fragment and intervertebral discs. The vertebral column shows four curves, in other words, forward convex neck and waist curvature, back convex chest and rump curvature.

Rib cage: It consists of 24 ribs, rib cartilage fragments and rib cage. It includes 7 pairs of true ribs (1-7), 3 pairs (8-10) of artificial ribs, and 2 pairs (11-12) of non-fixed ribs.

Pelvis: It consists of the coccyx, the coccyx and two hip bones.

Upper Extremity: It consists of 64 detachable bone fragments. The chest corset (at the scapula and collarbone) is fixed on the bony rib cage. Major joints (shoulder, elbow and wrist) can be moved.

Lower Extremity: It consists of 62 detachable bone fragments. The pelvic corset (hip bone) is fixed to form the bony pelvis. The remaining parts of the lower extremities can be removed. The main joints (hip, knee and ankle) can be moved.


The model is made of PVC plastic.


85 cm


  • Gross: 2.35 kg
  • Net: 2.15 kg